Monday, 13 April 2009

August 20th - 25th 1914

August 20th Thursday

Walker, an old soldier who is in charge, goes off to track the supposed German spy. 

August 21st Friday

Got a letter from Annie from St Albans also a parcel and PO from home.  Paid 7/-.

August 22nd Saturday

Got a lot of apples and plums from the villagers and then went out blackberrying.  Got a few lbs, packed all up together and sent them all home.  Went into town in afternoon and bought three sword brooches, one for Annie, one for mum and for the girl.

August 23rd Sunday 

Thornby is taken very ill, so Harry and I took him to Alton Cottage Hospital.  Nurses were very kind.

Admitted him with touch of fever.  Gypsies and hoppers arrive for hopping season.  We have a busy time in keeping them off the railway, although poor they are kind.

August 24th Monday

Went down to see Thornby and found he is doing well.  Complaint arrested just in time.  One of the nurses drives me back to Millicourt in her car.

August 25th Tuesday

Had quite a number of gifts today and went into town with our housemaid friend.20

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